Wolters Kluwer

Google Sheets Collections

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Google Sheets Collections

Google Sheets can be used as a collection for generating Dynamic Pages. For more information on collections, see Define a Collection for Dynamic Pages.

Google sheets collections have the following limitations:

Google Sheets
Collection Number per Site 100
Fields 100
Text field character limit 2000
Collection name character limit 50
Field name character limit 50
Update data Automatically

To create a Google Sheets collection:

  1. In the left panel, click Content, click Collections, and then click + New Collection.
  2. Click Google Sheets.
  3. Click Sign in With Google.
  4. Sign in to the Google Account that contains the collection.
  5. Select the Google Sheet you want to use as your collection.
  6. Click Connect Spreadsheet.
  7. Define the correct data type for each field.
  8. Click Done.

NOTE: Inner collections are currently not supported with Google Sheets.

Supported Fields

Field Type Example Content
Text Welcome to my dentist office
Image https://www.domain.com/img/name.jpg
Link https://goo.gl/maps/F81HPm4CBTQSTsJ5A
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EsYwAKxAFU
Phone 123456789
Email email@email.com
Location streetAddress, postalCode, region, city, country 577 College Ave, 94306, CA, Palo Alto, US
Business Hours SAT, SUN: 08:00-20:00; THU, FRI: 08:00-12:00;

The next step is to create or convert a Dynamic Page so you can connect it to your newly created collection.

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